
Showing posts from May, 2018

Beginning of Summer Update

“I have learned to kiss the wave that slams me into the Rock of Ages.” -Charles Spurgeon- The past 10+ months have been some of the hardest, most challenging and most stretching months of our lives. They have also been some of the most joyous, exciting and growing months. As I sit and reflect on all that has happened since Brandon and I started life together as a married couple, I praise God for every high and every low that he has brought us through. I marvel at the fact that He has never left our side and is continually guiding us through every step of our journey. I am amazed by the grace and love that He has shown us daily, even when we don’t deserve it. All of these things have helped us to grow closer together in our marriage, and closer to God as he pushes and pulls us. We are thankful for the many people who have joined us in our journey and for the prayers and encouragement we have received daily! Before leaving for Costa Rica in August of last year, we asked a few pe