
Showing posts from September, 2022

The Church is Growing and so is Samantha's Belly

Big things are happening in our church and in our lives, and we are so excited to share with all of you! We were sharing with a visiting group recently about how God has been moving in the ministry of Semillas De Vida over the past few years, and I was humbly reminded of just how perfect God’s timing truly is. In 2020, right before the pandemic and everything that came with it, a large donation came in for the expansion of or church building. The sanctuary was feeling smaller and smaller as our congregation grew, and more room was definitely needed. Soon after the money cleared in the bank, the country shut down and we were not allowed to gather as a church. While coming “together” over WhatsApp audio messages on Sunday mornings, the next three months were full of demolition and construction of what is now our new church building! When the doors opened up after the shutdown, members were welcomed to a brand new sanctuary, which is once again starting to feel more crowded each week. Now