
Showing posts from 2023

End of Summer 2023

Hey everyone, the last two months back here in Costa Rica have flown by, and we are excited to catch you all up on what ministry has looked like. We spent a wonderful month in Pennsylvania with family and friends, and are so thankful for the time we had with many we hadn't seen in over a year. Thank you to everyone who took time out of their schedules to see us and attend our ministry update events! We were happy to be able to attend Thomas and LeAnn's wedding before heading back home to Costa Rica. It was a beautiful day celebrating their love and commitment to one another, and we were honored to be a part of their special day. Soon after returning in June, our church hosted two groups from the States - the youth group from Berean church in Michigan, and the youth group from Keystone church in Lancaster only a few days later. It was a very busy few weeks, and we feel extremely blessed by the work they were both able to accomplish! We were so happy to host our friends Jon and J

Semillas de Vida library information

If you are interested in buying a book for our growing library, check out our  Amazon Wishlist  to see how you can help!  Please send donations to keystone church 

Spring 2023

Happy Spring everyone! It is always a joy to see everyone be able to enjoy the return of warm weather on the East coast, and begin spending more time outside. While the heat and humidity of northern Costa Rica can be overwhelming at times, we know that we are so lucky spend the majority of our days outdoors enjoying the sunshine.   This past month we were so excited to celebrate the inauguration of our new church building! The construction of the new gym/multipurpose room has been going on for a few months now, and we praise God for the opportunity to open the doors two weeks before Easter Sunday. We had a wonderful worship service, followed by a time of fellowship and activities all together with our church family. This new building allows for much more space during services, for more people to be able to come and participate on Sunday mornings. It also has opened up space for our children’s Sunday school upstairs. We are so thankful that God has provided for this opportunity for expa

Baby Girl and Gymnasium Update

There has been a lot that has happened since our last update and we are excited to bring you up to speed! We pray you had a wonderful Christmas season, celebrating the birth of our Savior. It is so easy to become distracted with gifts, family, and the busyness of Christmastime, but we hope you all found the time to reflect on the reason for our celebration. Jesus came to this lost world to provide hope and salvation and that is worth celebrating! We had a wonderful time gathering as a church family on Christmas Day to worship together and honor the birth of Christ. We fellowshipped together after our service with a lunch and some fun activities including a piƱata, cookie decorating, and games in our new gymnasium!  This was our first activity that we were able to utilize our new gym building! The construction at the church is advancing quickly, and we are so excited to see the progress being made as the weeks go by! The roof has been placed and the floor has been poured, and now louver