Fall 2018 Update

Hey there everyone! It’s been a little while since our last update and we would love to fill you in on what the Summer months have looked like for the Hoover’s down here in Costa Rica.

A view of the mountains from our home
In our last post we gave some news that God was on the move, doing something in our ministry that was bigger than what we could have ever imagined. We closed the doors to the church in Tirrases in May and have been trying our best to keep in touch and meet with some of the individuals from the church throughout the last few months. We are currently trying to figure out the best way to continue discipling and pouring into the people that God has placed in our paths from that town. Through many different circumstances since May, God has been giving us the confidence and reassurance that, even though it is hard, He is guiding our steps through all the changes.

Our summer months were busy working with our awesome summer interns and some short-term groups as they came from the states to serve in ministries here. We were also able to travel to the States at the beginning of the Summer, which was a great time of visiting with family and friends and spending some time in our other home!

Final celebration with our kids' club in Tirrases
In July, we worked with three consecutive groups from the states. We had a great time getting to know the teams and working alongside them as they served here. We spent a week in the ministry in Los Guido, helped out at the church in Alajuelita and left the city for a week of ministry in Santa Rosa.

Leading this group from NC in ministry in Santa Rosa

Translating for a group from Indiana
Translating for a group in Santa Rosa
Spending time with friends and family in the States
2018-19 GAP Year
The 2018-19 GAP year began towards the end of August with the arrival of 20 students from the states ready to grow and serve! It is always a highlight of our year meeting the incoming class and watching as they jump into their GAP year. Thank you to all of you who were praying for more students this year! We had quite a few students sign up within weeks (and even days) of the start of the year. At the beginning of Summer we were worried we might not have enough students to even make the year happen, but it was awesome how God had it planned to have so many open spots for the last minute sign-ups. We are looking forward to seeing how this class makes their year unique as they make the most out of this opportunity to grow in the Word as well as serve the Costa Rican community. We are excited to be taking on more responsibility with GAP this year, including leading and pouring into the four interns we have serving with us.
GAP Staff
Please pray for us as we continue to adjust to ministry changes and continue to grow in our marriage! As always, please be in prayer for all of the GAP students as they go throughout their year, and that we will be able to serve them well.

To learn more about us and our ministry or if you are interested in joining our team of supporters you can click here!

In Christ,
Brandon and Samantha Hoover


  1. So good to read your update and to see the pictures. What a truly beautiful place where you guys live! Praying for you and the ministry God has given you. May you both continue to lean together on our Lord, for HIS Direction and Provision as you work together in Costa Rica. Also praying for you as you remember your dear grandmother and her Homegoing a year ago. I knew Jack and Flossie as dear friends (and former employee) of my own grandparents, since I was a little girl! They were such a very sweet couple and we always enjoyed a hug when we met! Praying for all of you at this time of remembering! Joyce Blank ☺️


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