Our Transition into Santa Rosa

Hey everyone!

Thankful for this opportunity to present the Gospel to this kids in La Aldea
We are happy to be moved in to our new home and have been enjoying life here in Santa Rosa. We started our move bright and early on Friday the 30th of August. It was a long day of packing up the moving truck and hauling all of our belongings 3 hours to our new home.

The day that we got here with all of our stuff, we postponed our evening of organizing and unpacking for a Bible study in a nearby village called La Aldea. We are looking forward to working more in this town as there is only one family of new believers and they are reaching out for Bible studies to be formed to reach their neighbors. La Aldea is a small town that is a 45 minute drive through the jungle back a dirt/rocky road. We are excited to work with them and build our reputation as we attempt to bring God's saving message to these people. We were honored to have the opportunity to be invited to the elementary school for "Children's Day" (a celebrated holiday similar to mothers day or fathers day). This elementary school has a total of 15 kids from 1st-6th grade with only one teacher that is in charge of everything. We had a great time with the kids playing games, singing songs, and most importantly sharing the good news of Christ with them. This is a great open door to reaching the people there, and we are looking forward to the continued relationship with them.
Moving Truck
In case you are wondering where on the map we are located! San Jose--->Santa Rosa---> La Aldea

Adolfo came and helped us with the move
(stopped at a lookout on the way)
Another opportunity that we had this past weekend was for Brandon to give the sermon on Sunday morning at church in Santa Rosa. He used this time to share about the work that God has done in his life and to express our excitement towards serving the people in this community. We are happy to come alongside the ministry that is growing here and look forward to building more relationships through church services, Bible studies, home visits, and everyday life. Please pray for Brandon as he will be preaching again this Sunday's message.

LeAnn, Ryan, and Martin
the GAP group that
helps on weekends
We are enjoying settling in and adjusting to living here (still a few boxes left to unpack...), with a very different climate and lifestyle than San Jose. We are very happy to still be involved with some GAP students and staff who come to help each weekend with ministry (including Samantha's sister LeAnn!). We have loved to see them getting involved and out of their comfort zone as they practice their Spanish and learn how to serve in the church here. This week we are getting some visitors (Samantha's parents, brother and grandpa) and can't wait to show them our new home and spend some time sharing what life and ministry looks like here in Santa Rosa.

Thanks so much for all of the continued prayer and support as we transition into this new ministry. If you are interesting in learning how to financially support us you can click here!


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