September 2020 Update

Hey everyone, it has been a while since our last update, and so much has happened! We know that everyone’s lives still look quite different due to the pandemic, here is a little glimpse into all that we have been up to over the last few months.

Towards the beginning of the COVID lockdown, we began thinking and praying about starting to look for a house/land to purchase, instead of continuing to rent our current home. The extra time gave us the opportunity to drive around and see what our options might be in the area. We are excited to say, that after months of searching, we came across a plot of land that we really love, and that fits very well into what we can afford! It is a decent sized plot of farmland where we will be constructing our home on the land. Things have been moving along very well, and it looks like construction will start next week! We are excited to have this opportunity to build a home and use the property to provide jobs, and further our ministry. If you would like to know more about this project, or feel led to give financially, please click the donation link at the end of this update, or feel free to reach out to us via e-mail. 

Ministry has looked quite different over the last few months as we have adapted to driving restrictions and curfews, and of course avoided large gatherings in the church. Towards the end of July however, the government announced that churches would be allowed to meet again, with certain safety precautions. We are so thankful for our new church building that we were able to complete, which allows for much more space. Because of this, we have been able to meet on Sundays with those who are able to come, while staying socially distanced. It has been so encouraging to meet with our members again in the church setting, and be encouraged by the body of Christ in person. Our study in La Aldea has also continued, but for the time being we are only meeting with two families to keep it small and safe. We are focusing on equipping them to be able to carry out these Bible studies to their community.

It has been a challenging time for everyone as we learn to deal with everything that has come with the COVID situation. The Costa Rican economy has taken a huge hit, as many businesses depend on tourism throughout the year. At the beginning of September, the borders were opened up to a few countries, as well as a few of the States. We are excited that Pennsylvania is on that list, as we are planning to visit home towards the end of November (for Samantha's brothers wedding), and should be able to return when planned. The government has also began lifting restrictions in country, and the new curfew is 10pm. We are praying that schools will be able to open up in February, as the kids and teens have missed almost the entire year (the Costa Rican school year runs from February to December, so they only had about one month of going physically before the shutdown).

We are very excited for what the future holds for us here in Santa Rosa and pray that as we plant our roots, God will continue to open doors for ministry/discipleship opportunities. It is hard to believe that we moved here on August 30th of last year. Since then, we have been blessed to see God's hand at work in the church/ministry of Semillas de Vida where we are serving and trying to make an impact on a lost community. Please join us in prayer for the people that we come across and minister to. 

As many of you already know, we recently made a switch in organizations, and are now serving through Central Missionary Clearinghouse. If you would like more information on this change, feel free to contact us! If you would like to give financially towards our ministry, please visit this link!


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