Jackson's Birth Story

Jackson Scott Hoover 
Born on April 24, 2021 at 6:48am
weight: 3.070kg height: 51cm

I am not usually one to share a ton on social media, but over the course of my pregnancy I found that I loved hearing about others birth stories and hospital experiences as I prepared for my own! It was comforting to hear that many of my fears and worries were not uncommon to others, and that every experience is so different, but also similar in many ways. I also am so blessed to be able to share this experience after being told two years ago (when I was diagnosed with lupus) that I might never be able to have a successful pregnancy! 
We decided to have our baby here in the public hospital in Costa Rica, which meant I didn’t really have the option to make up my own “birth plan” – I would also need to be prepared for whatever COVID protocols were in place when he decided to come, and to have my Spanish skills prepared for such a high-pressure situation! On Thursday afternoon we headed to my monthly prenatal appointment, excited to see how baby Jackson was continuing to develop at 36 weeks! The doctor said all looked great, he’s a big guy and moving around a ton! He told us at this appointment to expect an early delivery… because of my chronic condition lupus, it was likely that the baby would come a week, maybe two weeks earlier than the due date. And to be safe, if he didn’t come at 39 weeks, it would be best to get me admitted for observation. We left feeling anxious and excited that we might get to meet our baby a little sooner than expected! We went to dinner at what has turned into our regular after-appointment spot – Pizza Ranch (they have stuffed crust!!). Soon after leaving, I began to think maybe a lighter option would have been a better choice… as we drove the hour long back home from the city where the hospital is located, I started feeling pretty queasy, and was looking forward to heading to bed early. We made a stop at Brandon’s favorite liquidation store about 10 minutes out, where I planned to stay in the car and relax. He called me in to check out a rocking chair, as we had been searching for one to have in the bedroom for nursing once baby came. As soon as I sat down in it, I was sold, I was relieved to sit and relax for a bit… when we got home, I decided it was going to be an early night, and headed to bed around 8:30 – hoping that some rest would help calm what turned into some pretty uncomfortable stomach cramps (thinking it was the pizza sitting wrong!). 

I never really fell into a restful sleep, as every 15 minutes or so my stomach would wake me up. Around 11:30, I decided to get up and go to the bathroom and walk around a bit. That’s when I started getting suspicious… I started to notice that this was a pretty unique and specific kind of pain, that would kind of go away after a minute or so, and return five minutes later. I began timing my pains, which really felt like some bad cramps. I was waiting for it to go around to my back like contractions had been described to me, or for my water to break, or for the breathtaking pain to signal it was time to go, but none of those happened. I waited another hour as I timed the pain and decided maybe I should pack that hospital bag! I finally woke up Brandon around 1am, told him I was pretty uncomfortable, but didn’t want to overreact. 

We decided to pack up and drive to the hospital just in case, and if it was a false alarm, we would quietly return home. My biggest fear was that I would get to the hospital and end up spending hours and hours there with contractions (without Brandon), so I really wanted to wait as long as possible. We finally arrived to the hospital around 2:30am, and at that point the pain was much worse and more consistent. We got lucky with the timing because there were a few parking spots available out front, and we walked in to get checked in. I had been to this public hospital once before with a kidney infection in my second trimester, so we were kind of familiar with the system. We checked in with the receptionist and were told to wait for our number to be called to take my vitals and see the physician. I paced calmly around the waiting room, not wanting to cause a scene, but in a lot of pain. They finally called me in to take my vitals and information, and then told me to wait again for the doctor to call me… “sometimes they take a coffee break around this hour so we will let you know when he gets here”, said the receptionist. When they finally called me back to the consult room, I couldn’t sit down, and it was getting difficult to breathe through the contractions. He had me lay on the bed to examine me and see how far along I was… “alright looks like you are…5…6…7…9! 9 centimeters, let’s get you upstairs!”. I remember saying to Brandon with wide eyes that I was not ready for this! It is not time yet! But that wasn’t up to me, it was go time! Finally, the nurses realized just how serious this was, and they hurry helped me out of my clothes, into a gown, and rushed the bed up to the maternity ward. 

Once in the hallway outside of the delivery room, they connected me to an IV and started monitoring the baby’s heartbeat. Because of COVID protocol, Brandon was told to wait downstairs until it was time to head into the delivery room… he isn’t the best listener though, and I knew he was right around the corner the whole time. At that point the contractions were so strong and consistent that I found it hard to breathe, and at one point I threw up from the pain. Painkillers aren’t an option at this hospital, which I was prepared for from the beginning, but I started really hoping it wasn’t going to get much worse than this! At some point in time, while contractions were at their worst, I realized there were new nurses looking at me… the shift had changed, and someone new marched over to examine me and broke my water for me! finally I could tell that it was time to start pushing, and they tried to have me stand up and walk to the delivery room, which I did not think was going to happen. About three times, a mask was placed over my face, which I soon ripped off as I tried to keep breathing. I heard someone ask if I could get up and walk, or if I wanted to have my baby in the hallway… um, hallway please! At some point, I felt Brandon grab my hand, and start giving me some encouragement. When the contractions paused for a second, I decided I could try getting up to go to the delivery room. Brandon held me up as I walked, and helped lift me up onto the table. I was reminded many times not to push with my face, push down here, which I had no idea how to control. 

Eventually my body took over, the baby finally dropped down, and out came my precious little boy. No pain killers, no epidural… what a relief when I finally felt him come out. Brandon relayed what he looked like and what was happening as they cleaned him up, and tried to distract me from the stitches I was getting. Finally, I could hold my baby – what a strange experience! Finally meeting this tiny person that I had grown to love so much, who was finally with us on the outside! I felt kind of nervous to be meeting him in a strange way, and I couldn’t wait to start to get to know him. Brandon stayed with us for about another hour until he was again told to leave until they called him back… this time it wouldn’t be until the next day when I was discharged… I shared a room with two other moms and their new babies for the next day and a half before we were able to bring baby Jackson home.

We are so blessed to have had such a great experience throughout my entire pregnancy and birth! Jackson had some complications with jaundice within his first week, and the doctors and nurses took such great care of him once again. We are also thankful that I experienced no complications lupus during the pregnancy, and so far have still been feeling great. My rheumatologist was amazed throughout the entirety that I had no symptoms from lupus (not even swollen ankles!), and we are happy to have had a very smooth recovery over the past month! Thanks to everyone who has been praying for our little family, God has been so good to us, and for all the encouragement we have received, we cherish you all!


  1. Sami, thank you for sharing. You endured it all with such a strong and positive attitude. Child birth is craaaaazy, but the outcome is so worth it. Love you!


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