End of Summer 2023

Hey everyone, the last two months back here in Costa Rica have flown by, and we are excited to catch you all up on what ministry has looked like. We spent a wonderful month in Pennsylvania with family and friends, and are so thankful for the time we had with many we hadn't seen in over a year. Thank you to everyone who took time out of their schedules to see us and attend our ministry update events! We were happy to be able to attend Thomas and LeAnn's wedding before heading back home to Costa Rica. It was a beautiful day celebrating their love and commitment to one another, and we were honored to be a part of their special day.

Soon after returning in June, our church hosted two groups from the States - the youth group from Berean church in Michigan, and the youth group from Keystone church in Lancaster only a few days later. It was a very busy few weeks, and we feel extremely blessed by the work they were both able to accomplish! We were so happy to host our friends Jon and Joni McGinnis in our home during Berean's visit. The team worked hard to re-do the wooden desks in our church, which were in desperate need of attention! 

Lesson time during VBS

The Keystone youth group jumped into a busy week of ministry and work projects. They had the opportunity to lead a children's VBS, and it was such a blessing to witness their excitement and preparedness to pour into the children that came each day. Each lesson came back around to the Gospel message being shared. It was such a sweet time of songs, games, crafts, snacks, and the Word of God being spread. The theme of the VBS was "Twists and Turns", which focused on the life of Peter and how God called him to Himself through various stories about his life. 
The Keystone group and church members played some indoor hockey

As the church has been expanding and growing, it is encouraging to see the amount of young people who are committed to attending worship services regularly. As this number grows, we have noticed the desire and the need for a youth group within the ministry. This is something that was put on pause in 2020 when the pandemic first hit. Recently God has been leading us as a team to better reach this demographic, and we are excited to have a team of people come together to serve in this way. Brandon, along with several members from Semillas de Vida, lead a weekly youth activity and we are looking forward to watching this group grow in the Lord together. We are glad to be able to serve these teens better as they come together on the weekly to socialize and study the Word together. We pray that the young people in the church will form a special bond as they grow in their faith together, and take this friendship and knowledge with them as they attend classes and strive to be a light in their community! 

The first youth group activity

Jackson is always on the move

Nora turned 9 months old this week!

As always, we want to thank our faithful team of financial supporters. It was wonderful to be able to see and talk with many of you in person during our visit to PA, and to hear how God is working in your lives as well. We are blessed to be able to serve here in Costa Rica, and are so thankful for your involvement in our ministry as you give and pray. If you are interested in joining our team of supporters please visit this link and follow the prompts, or feel free to reach out for more information!


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